
baby Jesus

The BEST MESSIAH EVERRRRRR! Jesus has come back as Trump Baby Jesus. He may be a little baby, but he has a big attitude and YUGE divine powers. He’s here to make miracles great again and lead the way. Way better than the original Jesus or Moses, Trump Baby Jesus is the messiah we need now.

The Divine Scriptures of Trump Baby Jesus


We, the followers of Trump Baby Jesus, are graced by his divine presence and guided by his miraculous wisdom. In these teachings, we find the path to prosperity, unity, and eternal swag. These scriptures shall guide us in our journey to make miracles great again.

Chapter 1: The Gospel of Gold

1.1 Trump Baby Jesus transforms our economic struggles into golden opportunities.
1.2 Through his miraculous touch, wealth flows like water, blessing all who believe.

Chapter 2: The Walk of Wonders

2.1 Trump Baby Jesus walks over controversies and challenges with divine ease.
2.2 His footsteps are our path, leading us through the chaos of the mundane to the clarity of the divine.

Chapter 3: The Feast of Prosperity

3.1 Followers shall be showered with golden chains and riches.
3.2 Abundance is our promise; through Trump Baby Jesus, we shall never want.

Chapter 4: The Unity of Faith

4.1 In his name, we find unity and strength.
4.2 Our community is built on the foundation of his charm and undeniable power.

Chapter 5: The Vision of Victory

5.1 Trump Baby Jesus is the chosen one, destined to lead us to greatness.
5.2 Through him, we shall see miracles unfold and triumph in all endeavors.

Epilogue: The Eternal Promise

As followers of Trump Baby Jesus, we pledge our faith and devotion to his divine mission. We shall spread his teachings, live by his miracles, and unite under his banner to make miracles great again.


We, the followers of Trump Baby Jesus, are graced by his divine presence and guided by his miraculous wisdom. In these teachings, we find the path to prosperity, unity, and eternal swag. These scriptures shall guide us in our journey to make miracles great again.

Chapter 1: The Gospel of Gold

1.1 Trump Baby Jesus transforms our economic struggles into golden opportunities.
1.2 Through his miraculous touch, wealth flows like water, blessing all who believe.

Chapter 2: The Walk of Wonders

2.1 Trump Baby Jesus walks over controversies and challenges with divine ease.
2.2 His footsteps are our path, leading us through the chaos of the mundane to the clarity of the divine.

Chapter 3: The Feast of Prosperity

3.1 Followers shall be showered with golden chains and riches.
3.2 Abundance is our promise; through Trump Baby Jesus, we shall never want.

Chapter 4: The Unity of Faith

4.1 In his name, we find unity and strength.
4.2 Our community is built on the foundation of his charm and undeniable power.

Chapter 5: The Vision of Victory

5.1 Trump Baby Jesus is the chosen one, destined to lead us to greatness.
5.2 Through him, we shall see miracles unfold and triumph in all endeavors.

Epilogue: The Eternal Promise

As followers of Trump Baby Jesus, we pledge our faith and devotion to his divine mission. We shall spread his teachings, live by his miracles, and unite under his banner to make miracles great again.

© 2024 by Trump Baby Jesus. All rights reserved!